India trails China with $107 million in weekly inflows, while China receives $13 billion: EPFR’s Cameron Brandt

According to Cameron Brandt, Director of Research at EPFR Global, China-dedicated funds have had astounding inflows of over $13 billion in only one week, whereas India-dedicated funds have only received $107 million, or less than 1% of the China inflows.

“Even though flows into dedicated India funds this week were less than 1 percent of the flows we saw into dedicated China funds, they were still positive, which I would take as a very good sign,” Brandt stated.

In an interview, Brandt described the sharp shift in flows to China as “spectacular.” He said that China’s equity market has been the primary recipient of new funds in recent weeks, especially in the past week when China was “the only show in town” in terms of flow

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